/ / How To Stop Unhealthy Eating in This Pandemic

How To Stop Unhealthy Eating in This Pandemic

Blog for Women with Food Addiction | Eating at home in pandemic | Food Addiction | Lifestyle

Since we have “stay at home” orders from our local government, due to the pandemic, we have to be purposeful with making connections with others. Isolation and feelings of loneliness can affect our health, especially when we substitute unhealthy eating over connecting with family and friends.

Different Ways To Connect

Reaching out to family and friends can help us stay out of the kitchen and interested in others. Helping older adults and relatives with food shopping and running their errands will give us a sense usefulness and contentment. It can literally help us with our daily contentment and gratitude, which we need more of these days.

Staying connected is easier today and we have several avenues to choose from.

From cell phones, computers, texting, FaceTime, Facebook, Zoom, YouTube, Instagram and other ways that I don’t know anything about. Right now, the available technology is very helpful in facilitating our need to be with others.

My Father-in-law is 91 years old and has been using a Grandpad to stay connected with his adult children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He can do so many things on it, from calling people, sending and receiving pictures, playing games, and more.

Some people even play games together on their computer or their cell phones! I remember visiting with my brother and I noticed he was distracted by his phone. I asked him what he was doing. He said that he was playing a game with his son. I was surprised that they could do that. Simply amazing!

There is simply no excuse these days

for not connecting with family and friends.

Catch up with Friends

This is the time to call those friends that you’ve been meaning to get together with.  Just the other day I got a text from a high-school friend. She sent me the longest text, catching me up with what she is doing today. Unfortunately, she is going through some health issues, but she was excited to find my number and to communicate with me.

Hearing from friends and going down memory lane with them can be a welcomed diversion from today’s happenings. I think I’ll send a text of old pictures to my friends to put a smile on their faces.

Future Outings

Start planning some fun and interesting events to look forward to. It can be as simple as planning a picnic at the beach or a park. You can search for various museums, beaches, amusement parks or various places around the world that you desire to go to.

Write down all the places that you want to see when this pandemic is over. Then, create a fun project by finding pictures of those places and tape them to a poster board or tape them on your refrigerator. Now that will be a fun adventure!

We have a book about the 50 most interesting places to travel to. I love looking through that book to see the interesting places that I have yet to explore.

Reach For Connection

Instead of picking up food when you’re not hungry, pick up the phone and connect with others. Talking with supportive family and friends can fill the void we may feel during this time.

These are ways that we can feel less isolated and more connected to others while looking toward the future.  I hope these suggestions are helpful. Until next time, be well and be safe.


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  1. Your words have never rang true. With a monkey wrench thrown into our daily routines of going to work or for those of us fortune to be retired to have our gyms, parks and Rec centers closed has been depressing. I have found by putting my focus on those less fortunate then myself has given me encouragement and empowerment. I’ve always had a heart for those shut in or those who don’t have transportation to get supplies. By adopting, serving and keeping check on a few has kept me thankful and made me feel useful to do whatever is needed for their welfare.
    With time on my hands, I have been binge watching a lot of cooking channels on You Tube. It is better then a lot of binge eating. I have found and adopted the Plant Food way of eating. I have cooked and tried various dishes on my husband with not to much protest. This way of cooking requires many herbs and spices which brings so much life to your dish, not to mention wonderful aromas waffling in your home.
    Someone asked the all to familiar question on one of those news commentator programs. “What is the solution to all of the distress the U.S has gotten into with the job loss, Stock Market down, the Pandemic, the rioting, etc. .
    If you ask a child, their answer is always so simple but always has some truth to it. My 8 year old granddaughter says, “maybe everyone just needs a hug.”
    I say,” keep praying and looking up.” God is still on the throne.

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