/ / Boundaries With Food Can Bring Freedom

Boundaries With Food Can Bring Freedom

Blog for Women with Food Addiction | Food Addiction | Sugar Addiction

It may seem paradoxical that boundaries can bring about freedom. You would think that it would be a killjoy to be restricted in some way. However, when it comes to eating, having boundaries is the best thing you can do for your physical, mental, and spiritual health.

In the past, I enjoyed eating hamburgers, French fries, pizza, chips, cake, cookies, brownies, and ice-cream. I thought eating anything I wanted and when I wanted was freedom! However, it turned out to be a trap.

Junk Food is Addictive

These types of food turned out to be very addictive and it made me fat. And as a result, I was always dieting. All of the diets that I’ve tried throughout the years never worked in the long run. I was constantly gaining the weight back and then some.

Can you imagine the frustration and exasperation that I felt?  I felt like something was wrong with me. It seemed that others could keep their weight in control, but I was constantly struggling!

Food Cravings are Real

When I discovered why I couldn’t stop eating pizza, donuts, chocolate, and ice-cream, it made sense! I craved these foods. I simply was addicted to flour and sugar. However, that knowledge was half the battle. The rest was surrendering junk food in order to live a healthier, sane life.

I had to accept that I needed boundaries around my food intake. I had to care enough about myself to do life differently.

Can Food Affect My Health?

This realization, along with asking for help is what it took for me to make a change. Many people don’t think about the food that they put into their system until something drastic happens, like illness as a result of their eating habits. Unhealthy eating could lead to diabetes, coronary heart disease or high blood pressure.

It is important to be aware of what you eat and how much you eat. If you gravitate, daily, to certain foods, you may consider looking at the type of food you are eating.

Take the Challenge!

Take a minute and write them down. Make a list of all the foods that you would normally eat in a day. Be honest!

After you’ve written your food list, put a checkmark by those foods that have flour or sugar or both in the ingredients. Most likely, many of the convenience foods will have sugar and flour in them.

Both sugar and flour can be addictive substances. If most of your food list contains them, you may be addicted to them. There is an easy way to find out if you are. See if you can abstain from eating food with flour and sugar in it for at least a month, without struggling or have strong cravings.

You’d probably know within the first day or two if you have a problem with abstaining from sugar and flour.

This means that you must look at the ingredients of the foods you are eating.  Stay away from those foods that are made of mostly flour or sugar. Instead, eat foods that are good for your body like fresh fruits and vegetables, protein, good fats and grains.

If you take this challenge, let me know about your experience. I look forward to hearing from you.


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  1. Cynthia,

    This article hit home for me. I know that I a addicted to sugar and know the results of eliminating it from my diet. Keep up the extraordinary work that you do!

    Regina Todd

    1. Hi Regina,

      Thank you for your comment. I’m glad this article spoke to you. I want you and others to know that you are not alone and that you can overcome it. I’m thinking about creating a private facebook support group for us who are addicted to sugar and flour products. Members of this group will help support and encourage each other to eat healthy, share healthy recipes, and share weight-loss triumphs. Do you think women would be interested in something like this?

  2. Looking at food that I eat daily varies from week day to weekend; Mon-Fri I have a protein/meal replacement shake for breakfast-who knows what for lunch (sometimes I bring leftovers from home-sometimes I have salad from kiosk) dinner, whatever family makes OR another shake; weekend, I may have a glass of wine/beer or not; then snacks of popcorn and or ice cream and whatever (maybe restaurants with my family or just grazing at home…) So I have a big variety of eating-good news is I am still off of candy-but I do eat cake/cookies if it is around the house (my brother bakes…) thanks for listening-Colleen

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