/ / How to Reboot Our Purpose and Passion During the Pandemic

How to Reboot Our Purpose and Passion During the Pandemic


While we are stuck in the house, let’s take advantage of this time. Think of it as an opportunity to work on ourselves. Whether we can work from home or have been laid off from work, this is an opportune time to discover or rediscover our purpose and start living it.

Time to Reflect and Reboot

Do you remember the activities that you participated in during your earlier years that excited you?  Remember those projects or activities that made you feel at peace and good about yourself when you did them? This is where you can start to revive or rediscover your purpose and passion in life.

Or maybe you’ve developed a new passion in life that is now being revealed to you.

However, if you already know your God-given gifts, are you really using them to the best of your ability?  If not, why not?

Grab a journal or notebook paper and make a list of the reasons why you are not fulfilling your calling. Reflect on what’s standing in the way of you being your best and living your best life now. Write them down. Make a list of the barriers that are keeping you from fulfilling your life’s work.

Barriers to a Fulfilled Life

Barriers can take different forms. It can include mental, fearfulness, and procrastination. All of these barriers can stand in the way of a life well-lived.


With the mental barrier, you may sabotage yourself by negative self-talk. “I can’t do this.” “This is too big for me.” “Why do I think I can do this?” Or you listen to others talk you out of walking in your purpose.


Maybe you are letting fear stop you from moving forward.  Fear is going to be there at different times in your life, but the secret is to do it anyway. Also, ask God to give you the confidence to do what He has created you to do.  Make it a matter of prayer. Have faith that God will give you the self-confidence needed to fulfill your life’s journey.


Procrastination is a big word for stalling. By the way, I’m talking to myself too.  It’s time to prepare for your life’s work. Take it one step at a time. Write down the steps you are going to take each day or each week toward your goal of living out your purpose. Seeing visual cues can help remind you of your commitment and what’s important to you. Some people use vision boards to help them stay on track. If you like simple, you can write your goals on a post-it-note and stick to your bedroom mirror.

Whether you want to discover your passion and purpose, or you want to start using them to the best of your ability, it’s time to start.

Explore & Discover What You’re Good At

Everything that you have experienced in life has shaped you into the person you are today. Your God-given gifts, talents, and skills are demonstrated to those around you and are sometimes hidden from you because it feels so natural. That’s why it is a good idea to ask others who know you, about the gifts and talents they see in you.

Pastor Timothy Keller, says it best, “Your life is not a series of random events. Your family background, education, and life experiences — even the most painful ones — all equip you to do some work that no one else can do.” 1

Jump Into Life!

Don’t let the hours, days and weeks slip away without making the most of the time you have right now.  You can make a difference if you are willing to be of service to others. You don’t have to sit on the sideline, watching life from your front window.

Discover what you like doing and the areas where you’ve received compliments from others. Here are some questions to get you thinking:

  • Do you like working with your hands?
  • Are you a creative/artsy type?
  • Do you like working with numbers?
  • Do you enjoy writing?
  • Are you a good listener?
  • Do you get joy out of showing others how to do things?
  • Do you love working with computers?

There are several tests on the internet that you can take to help you discover your gifts and talents. So, while you’re stuck in the house, make this time count for discovery and rebooting your life.


During this unprecedented time, we have the opportunity to reflect on our purpose and to reboot our passion for what we were made for.  This crisis should remind us that life can change so quickly and that security can be replaced with uncertainty.

While time continues to march forward, let’s use it wisely. Let’s not waste it living in fear or anxiety, but spend it preparing to be the best version of ourselves.

Be safe.


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