/ / The Power of Routines Can Change Your Lifestyle

The Power of Routines Can Change Your Lifestyle

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Routines are essential to a healthy lifestyle. Let’s face it, we tend to be creatures of habit. So, why not capitalize on our habits and direct them toward our advantage?  This is the best way to ensure that we are successful in the long run.

Routines prevent us from distracted thinking and save valuable time.  We no longer need to bargain or negotiate over things that are part of our daily lifestyle. It just becomes what we do. Oftentimes, routines allow us to work on work on ourselves without really thinking about it.

Just Do It

Just like having a hygiene routine. We brush our teeth, take a shower, comb our hair, etc. Routine stuff. We do it without putting much effort into thinking about it. We just do it.

We Suffer Without It

Without healthy routines, we become subject to our whims and to all the choices we have to make each day.  It could leave us feeling like life is too much.

1Those who don’t have a health routine, tend to suffer from the effects of daily life, like constant stress, bad eating habits, poor physical condition, and bad time-management.

If our health is more valuable than money, then we ought to make it a priority. Not only physical health but mental and spiritual as well. When those three areas are maintained, it helps to create a balanced life.

Morning Routine

For example, having a set morning routine around our mental, physical, and spiritual health help start our day in a positive direction. It sets the mind, body, and spirit in a peaceful state and prepares us for the day.

If you don’t have a morning routine, develop one. For example, spend 10 minutes in prayer, 10 minutes reading scripture, 30 minutes in meditation, and 10-15 minutes exercising. You will be prepared mentally, spiritually and physically to take on the day.

Healthy Eating Routine

When it comes to our eating habits, we must have a routine of eating good, healthy foods. Eating well-balanced meals, three times a day is a great way to feed your body what it needs to be healthy.

Without a healthy eating routine, we will eat anything that we have a craving for, which probably won’t be good for us. Especially when co-workers offer us something at work, like chocolates, donuts or some type of pastry. If we don’t have a healthy eating routine, we most-likely will eat whatever is offered.

When we have a healthy eating routine, it saves us from yo-yo dieting and from looking for that magic diet that will keep us at our goal weight forever!  Uh, no! That won’t happen if we are not committed to a routine of healthy eating.

Frantic Pace of Life

Life today seems much more frantic than ever. So many things are vying for our attention, like our jobs, kids, spouse, school, and any other activity that we said, “yes” to.

From the moment we wake up, there are things we need to accomplish and choices to make. What time are we really getting out of bed, because we’ve hit the snooze button for a little more sleep? What are we going to wear? What are we going to eat? Should we exercise or skip it? What are we going to share on your Facebook page today?  The list of choices could drive us crazy.

Start The Day With A Routine

Having a morning routine is important for starting our day.  In doing so, we will find that this routine will give us peace of mind and strengthen us for the day.

Do you have a routine that helps you live a healthy lifestyle? If so, please leave a comment and share your healthy routine.  If you don’t have a healthy routine, are you willing to start one? Small steps can make big changes.




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