/ / “Just Eat in Moderation,” They Say…

“Just Eat in Moderation,” They Say…

12 Steps of Recovery | Food | Food Addiction | Lifestyle | Sugar Addiction | Use Food as a companion

How many times have you heard those words? Every time I’ve heard them, I think, “Well, if I could eat in moderation, don’t you think that I would?” It can be so exasperating at times. The “professionals”, like our doctors, nutritionists, and weight loss “experts”, at one time or another has said those exact words.

Sometimes, the very people that we count on to have the solution to our weight problem, don’t. When doctors tell us that we have to lose weight and to just eat in moderation and exercise, they think they’re giving us good advice. I have to admit, it seems like good advice. But really, how many yearly check-ups do we have to have for our doctors to get the picture that their “advice” is not working?!!

It has taken decades for the healthcare industry to recognize that certain foods are addictive. Foods that contain sugar and/or flour in them tend to be the most addictive. Our healthcare system had to recognize this issue because the American obesity rate (in children and adults) was increasing year after year, causing specific health conditions that drove up healthcare costs.

These conditions, as a result of being overweight (comorbidities), are so commonplace that we all know of someone who has one or more of the following ailments: high blood pressure, sleep apnea, weight-bearing joint pain, and Type 2 diabetes.

Because of the transformation within the American culture, from having to physically work for our food to mostly sedentary jobs, we now have to schedule in our exercise. We either go to a gym, buy some home exercise equipment, or go for a walk/jog.

Of course, our food industry has adjusted to the American work culture by making food convenient. From fast-food drive-throughs to 7-elevens to drug stores, etc. There are restaurants today that can fulfill any appetite. Whatever you have a taste for, there is usually a restaurant that will cater to what you want to eat.

Now, we don’t even have to leave our homes to get meals from any restaurant! There are companies like Postmates and Doordash that will literally pick up your food order from ANY restaurant and deliver it to your house. There must be a market for it because these companies are advertising on television!

Stop the insanity!

It’s time for us to get serious about living a healthy lifestyle and cooking our own food. Eating good, healthy, well-seasoned food has enabled me to maintain my weight loss and live in my right-sized body for over 10 years! It’s not rocket science, really!

I’ve struggled for 40 years to keep from gaining weight. I have finally found a way to eat that has freed me from the diet struggle. I know that I cannot eat flour and sugar because of its addictive nature. If I have one cookie, it sets me off to eating more cookies, etc. I can’t stop at one cookie! I know that about myself, so I got help from a 12-Step program.

If you’d like more information about what I do to maintain a healthy weight, year after year, please check out my Resource page.

I hope this blog post has helped you in some way. If it has, please leave a comment. I’d love to hear from you.








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