/ / What About Intermittent Fasting?

What About Intermittent Fasting?

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A while back, someone asked my opinion on intermittent fasting. I did some research and this is what I found. First, the definition of intermittent fasting is an eating plan that switches from periods of fasting and eating on a regular schedule.1 This kind of eating mainly focuses on when to eat, not what to eat.

There are several types of intermittent fasting methods. One of the popular methods is the 16/8 method. You fast for 16 hours and eat within an 8-hour window. This method incorporates the fasting we do while sleeping and extend it a little longer. You don’t eat breakfast. Your first meal starts at noon and your last meal is at 8pm.

Other methods include:

  • Eat-Stop-Eat: Once or twice a week, don’t eat anything for dinner one day, until dinner the next day (a 24-hour fast).
  • The 5:2 Diet: During 2 days of the week, eat only about 500-600 calories.2

What are the Benefits?

There is research that indicate that intermittent fasting can help fight diseases like heart disease, Alzheimer’s, cancer, type 2 diabetes and more.3 These are great benefits but you must remember to get and keep these benefits, it has to be a lifestyle and not used as a temporary diet.

Also, when you are not fasting, your food choices, for the most part, should be healthy. Otherwise, it would negate your efforts of losing weight and of deriving benefits from the intermittent fasting.

Drawbacks of Intermittent Fasting

This type of eating schedule may not be sustainable for most people. Think about it, when you skip one or two meals, you tend to overeat once you start back eating. It could also entice you to binge eat on your favorite treats.

It reminds me of when my Mom and sister signed up for Weight Watchers years ago. They’d stay on the menu plan all week. But after their weigh in on Saturdays, they’d go out to breakfast or lunch to celebrate, ultimately gaining back the 2 or 3 pounds they may have lost that week! They figured they were “good” all week, so they “deserved” to celebrate after weight in day.

It also may be difficult for people who are on medication. Fasting may throw their body system off balance and affect blood sugar levels and fluid balance. So, people whose bodies are already compromised with disease must be careful and consult their physician regarding fasting.

Is it Worth Doing?

It’s certainly an interesting concept. Try it and see if it works for you. Just remember, if you start doing intermittent fasting for weight loss or to maintain weight loss, you must keep doing it for it to work.

Any healthy eating plan must be incorporated into your lifestyle in order for it to work. Just make sure it is the right eating regimen for your body. Remember to consult with your physician and a nutritionist.

Be well.


References: 1,3https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/intermittent-fasting-what-is-it-and-how-does-it-work


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