Ready to Be Free

Blog for Women with Food Addiction | Food Addiction

Step 6: Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.

After writing an inventory of my faults, and sharing them with another person, I was then ready to take the next step. I wanted to be free of my defects of character. You know, things like…

My character defects drove me to the food.

Sharing my faults with another person was both embarrassing and humbling because these were behaviors that I was not proud of. However, in order to do better and to be a better person, confession was necessary before transformation could take place. Those character defects were toxic to my emotional and spiritual growth, as well as a hindrance to living my best life – the life that God wants for me.

Left to my own devices, I could not rid myself of my faults. I admitted that I needed help. Step 6 allowed me to stop and consider that God could and would give me the freedom that I desired if I would just surrender them.

To live the abundant life that God wants for me, I had to get unstuck from past hurts. I needed to let go of those things that affected my life in a negative way. With God, I could do it and I was ready for Him to do for me, what I could not do for myself.

I acknowledged that I couldn’t do this event called life on my own.

There is a scripture that says, “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psa. 46:10) One of my daily recovery tools involves (meditation) sitting quietly, in the presence of God, to hear from Him. I do this after praying and reading the Bible. My time with God gives me strength and optimism to face the day. It also helps me to be aware of when my faults show up and the strength to not give in to them.

This was a new path for me because, before recovery, I really didn’t focus on my negative thoughts and behaviors. I thought this was just part of my personality. However, knowing that I don’t have to live in negativity and that I can give them over to God, has revolutionized my life!

Being ready and willing for God to change you, is the first step in transforming into the person that He created you to be. He can do that for you, as you submit to Him, one day at a time.

Send me an email if this post resonated with you. Tell me your thoughts and/or struggles with letting go of character defects.


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