/ / How Many Exercise Videos Do We Need?

How Many Exercise Videos Do We Need?

Exercise for quick weight loss | Lifestyle

At one point in my weight loss journey, I bought all kinds of exercise videos to help me lose weight. I put my hope in them, thinking that this was what I absolutely needed. Consistent exercise will surely get me in shape, I thought.

I bought all kinds of exercise videos.


Step aerobics


Belly dancing







Exercise Infomercials

We’ve all watched the infamous “Infomercials” advertising workout videos that promise to get us in shape. The exercise trainers would say something like, “Do this workout routine with me every day and you will be in bikini shape in no time!”  Then they would show several people giving their testimonials; men and women who attribute their new tight, fit bodies to the exercise video.

One day, I was watching television and I saw the same infomercial that I’ve seen about five or six times. It was an extreme “boot camp” type exercise video that was being advertised. My weight was still an issue and I was feeling desperate to do something about it.  So, I bought it. It was a little expensive, but they offered the “pay in 3 installment plan.”  Who could resist that, right?

When the video arrived at my house, I was excited, and I told myself that I was going to hit this exercise thing hard! I was going to do the exercises every day when I got home from work. Well, the very first day was a bust, because I had a hard time just doing the warm up!

When the warm-up part was over (I think I had to fast forward through most of it), and the real exercises started, I had to follow along with the person who was showing the beginner moves. Unfortunately, it still was too much for me. I thought I was in relatively good shape, but I felt winded and tired out of the gate. It felt like this boot camp exercise was killing me…literally!

Needless to say, I felt discouraged real quick. My husband had the nerve to tell me that I needed to work up to those exercises first. I didn’t want to hear that! I needed to get this weight off of me now! Doesn’t he know that I’m desperate?

I think I lasted about 3 days before giving up on that exercise video. Since they advertised that if you are not satisfied with the video, you can return it with no questions asked. You know I sent that video right back to where it came from!  I also made sure that I sent it with a return receipt because I was not going to take the chance for them to tell me that they didn’t receive it. I wanted my money back because it was expensive!

Stop Buying Them

It’s time to stop buying exercise videos if we are putting our hope in them to help us lose weight. Don’t get me wrong, exercise is good for the body, but it’s mostly about what we are putting into our mouths. Many of us have collected so many exercise videos that we can open up a library and start renting them out! Stop it. Don’t buy another video. Just go for a walk!

Exercise is Not the Answer

I did the research and found out that exercise videos are not the answer to long-term weight loss. Dealing with what I ate was and still is the answer. After I eliminated flour and sugar from my eating plan and started eating 3 healthy measured meals a day, as well as joining a support group for food addiction, was the answer.  Part of that journey included discovering what drove me to food as well as the type of food I was drawn too. It definitely was the flour and sugar that kept me craving more.

For long-term weight loss, exercise is not the answer, recovery from addictive eating is.

Does any part of my story resonate with you?  If so, leave a comment below.


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